We want to be a catalyst of healing amidst church hurt.

The city of Norman has a bit of a checkered past when it comes to churches, which has led to widespread skepticism of the Church among Normanites. Despite several churches continuing to love Norman well, many people are blind with mistrust. The vision for Magnify is to be a church that rehabilitates that perception one individual at a time and bridges the gap between these great churches and these hurt people.


To grow and disciple the people of God, in the church of God, for the glory of God.

We feel called to two particular people groups in Norman: Nones and Dones. A None is someone who claims no religious affiliation. A Done, on the other hand, for one reason or another is “Done” with church, but might identify as a Christian. Both Nones and Dones see no need for the church, but our mission is to reveal the beauty and necessity of God and His Church. We believe that God has always done (and will continue to do) this work through His people, in His Church, for His glory


We affirm all the doctrines in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as they are supported by Scripture and are glad to be joined with other churches across the globe in those beliefs.